Equality and diversity
The Architects Registration Board (ARB) is an inclusive organisation. We actively promote equality of opportunity for everybody who has dealings with us, irrespective of their race, gender, disability, religion, belief system, sexual orientation or age.
We operate in line with the Government’s public sector equality duty. This duty places a responsibility on all public bodies to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations between different groups of people. The duty also helps to ensure that public bodies consider the needs of all individuals in their day-to-day work.
Equality is embedded in all areas of our work, not least by the Board, which considers the implications for equality with every decision it takes. We continue to review our policies regularly, and test new policies we plan to introduce to make sure that they do not contain any elements of unlawful discrimination and are fair to all. In addition to this, ARB’s communications are based on the principle of promoting equality of opportunity for everybody who has dealings with the organisation. ARB recognises that not all stakeholders are proactive communicators, neither are they all well-represented nor well-resourced. As an independent statutory regulator, we are also committed to seeking out and responding to the voices of less-heard groups.
We have developed an equality scheme which sets out how we approach equality and diversity. Click here to read more.