Corporate function objectives
Managing Risk
Delivery against objective
- Delivered
- The Board considers risk as part of all policy discussions.
- Financial information is discussed at Board meetings with specific consideration given to the Board’s policy on financial reserves.
- Reserves were at the required level by 2014, despite some unbudgeted expenditure.
- Feedback was actively sought from the Board on performance and oversight information. Minor amendments were made to reporting provision.
- The Risk management strategy and framework was thoroughly reviewed by the Audit Committee during a session on risk tolerance. The Committee reported to the Board and the Board agreed the strategy.
- The internal audit plan was fully executed for 2013 and a plan was agreed for 2014.
- Work continues on a business continuity plan.
Maintain adequate and appropriately skilled staffing levels that are utilised effectively
Delivery against objective
- Delivered so far as external factors have allowed
- Throughout 2013, many staff took on additional roles and responsibilities in order for the organisation to deliver the business plan. During 2013, staff resources were not at full capacity owing to absences and departures. This was mitigated by the use of temporary assistance which included temporary support on communications; a secondment and outsourced human resources support.
- Despite the obvious problems which arise where there is a staff absence or departure, these arrangements have demonstrated an increasingly flexible approach to working which will continue into 2014.
- A development and training program was delivered for staff.
Maintain Government confidence
Delivery against objective
- Delivered
- The revised Framework agreement between ARB and DCLG was updated in May 2013.
- The annual review of compliance against the Framework agreement was undertaken with no problems identified.
- Close working relationships continue between ARB and the Department with regular meetings and staff attending relevant DCLG forums.
- In line with government policy, all public bodies are regularly reviewed. ARB has been fully engaged with the DCLG in the Periodic Review.
Efficient financial management
Delivery against objective
- Delivered
- The retention fee collection saw 17% of architects using the online payment option for 2013 which was a great success. Unfortunately, however, there was a higher number of removals, although it is likely that this is partly because the payment deadline was brought forward to bring it into line with annual timeframes.
- The Board received timely information on the management accounts. The Board was alerted to any major fluctuations and agreed any changes to the overall budget.
- The process of setting the 2014 budget included consideration of the three-year forecast.
- Architects were promptly notified of the 2014 retention fee via the website and the ebulletin.
- Alongside an efficiency programme, we met with other bodies through a variety of forums to discuss common issues to help increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Enable the Board to take informed decisions
Delivery against objective
- Delivered
- The Board requested reporting enhancements relating to information about students and educational institutions for 2014.
- The Board received detailed performance information twice a year and feedback on this was requested. No major changes were identified; however information is added where required.
- 2013 was the first year that equality data was presented to the Board.
- A series of pre- and post- Board discussions and horizon scanning sessions were held to ensure Board members remain alert to best practice and emerging issues.
- Board papers were dispatched at least 10 days prior to each Board meeting, with significantly less than 20% following as late papers.
- Those Board members who are able to work electronically do not receive paper copies. A possible move to paperless meetings will be considered further in 2014.
Delivery against objective
- Delivered
- All compliance requirements undertaken.
IT strategy
Delivery against objective
- Delivered
- Systems were stable during 2013, with considerable steps forward on back office systems linking to online applications.
- Further development work of self-service systems and online communications was undertaken.
- A fully functional remote access desktop provision was rolled out for all staff.
Review the Board Members’ Code of Practice and General Rules concerning Board members
Delivery against objective
- Progressing
- A review of the Code and Complaints procedure commenced. Further work is planned for 2014.
Delivery against objective
- Delivered
- The website continues to be developed and work was undertaken to make it a more interactive tool.
- Consumer-facing literature for complainants and applicants was developed.
- Videos on the application processes for time-lapsed registration and the Prescribed Examination have been developed and can now be viewed online.
- The stakeholder engagement register was refreshed and plans implemented to engage with a number of organisations, such as planning authorities, Trading Standards and Citizens Advice.
- Staff developed key messages for a number of ARB partners, such as examiners, to enable them to assist in ARB’s communications and to raise awareness of the Register.
- Commentary within the professional press was, at times, critical. However, it was offset by informed comments, and corrections were occasionally sought where appropriate.
- A social media presence was established.
- An ebulletin was sent out after each Board meeting.